How to Draw a Line in Word 2003 TUTORIAL

Sometimes, you lot tin't express yourself in words and numbers alone.

Sometimes, y'all demand to express yourself through art. Luckily, Microsoft Discussion recognizes this need and gives users the pick to depict on a document.

If you want a new way to showcase your ideas, give drawing a endeavour! It's easy, adds some flair to your certificate and might exist a more than effective manner to communicate your thoughts.

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How to draw in Discussion

For all my visual learners in the house, follow along as I go through the drawing process step-by-step. I likewise include some formatting and editing tips and tricks to consider.

i. Click the 'Shapes' push and select 'Scribble'

Open up your Microsoft Discussion document. It can be an empty document or it can exist filled with an essay — youcandescribe over words if you want.

 Navigate to the 'Insert' tab. From in that location, select 'Shapes.' A drop-down menu will appear. Under the 'Lines' options, select the very last button. It looks similar a scribble and is aptly named 'Scribble.'


2. Agree down your mouse to describe

Click and hold downwards your mouse to draw. Absolutely, this isn't the well-nigh intuitive affair in the world and your drawings probably won't look similar they do on newspaper. That's okay, y'all do get a take chances to tweak and sculpt your drawing later on — as well as adjust the line coloring, width, fill color, and more than.

Here'southward the strange shape I chose to draw (don't ask me what information technology is):


3. Release the mouse

Every bit soon as yous release your mouse, the drawing will exist finished. Y'all'll no longer be able to go on cartoon, like you would if it were pen and paper.

If you released the mouse too early, y'all can delete the shape and offset over. If you lot desire to add some other shape to complement the one you just drew, go alee and click the 'Scribble' push and go through the drawing process one time more.

If you lot have the basic thought of the drawing done just it's not exactly what you wanted, y'all tin can tweak the lines a scrap. Double-click on the cartoon. Click on the modest 'Edit Shape' button in the summit left corner. Then, select 'Edit Points.'


A bunch of, you guessed it, points volition appear on your drawing. Dragging a point out, in, or sideways effectively drags the line of the drawing with information technology. When you click off of the point, the drawing will be altered accordingly.

4. Edit your cartoon

Double-click your drawing. A new tab will appear in the menu banner called 'Shape Format.' Now yous tin can resize your shape past dragging the corners of the box effectually it. You can use the 'Shape Fill' button to add colour inside your shape.


You tin can change the color of the outline by clicking the pencil push button, located next to the 'Shape Fill' push button. Yous can as well choose to accept 'No Outline' if you desire.


Another way to make your drawing stand out is by adding text to it. Click on the 'Draw a Text Box' icon located next to the 'Shapes' button.


Drag your mouse over where y'all want the text box to live inside your shape. You can play with all the text editing options and include hanging indents, if you want.

To unlock more editing options, select the 'Format Pane' on the far right. This will open up a sidebar where y'all tin can edit the line type of the outline, play with color effects for the fill color, and more!


In one case you lot've manipulated your shape into a final production that you're happy with, go ahead and 'Save As.' Now you're ready to share your creativity with the world!

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Other things to know nearly drawing in Discussion

It volition be very difficult for you lot to describe direct lines in Discussion. That's simply due to the impossibility of dragging a mouse precisely. If that's frustrating you to no end, there are work arounds.

How to draw a line in Word

If y'all desire to accept a very straight line, maybe the 'Scribble' tool is not the right one for you. Become back to the 'Shapes' drop-downward menu under the 'Insert' tab and go through the different line options bachelor to y'all. Select what's all-time for your vision and go from in that location!


Yous'll also notice that Word offers a multifariousness of pre-made shapes to choose from. If yous're struggling to depict a star that doesn't await like a pitiful blob, maybe try select the pre-made star shape. You can even so play with the coloring, size, lines and more.

TIP: If you are dead-set on drawing freehand but Word isn't working out for you, try drawing in Microsoft Paint. You tin ever insert that image into Word later on on.

Want to put your artistry to the test in other ways? Discover how to make a brochure in Word.


How to Draw a Line in Word 2003 TUTORIAL

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